Our company is an official registrar for .si domains.
Domain name .si is relatively young in comparison to other domain names .com, .net, etc., so a wide variety of .si domains are still available for registration.
- any natural or legal person can register .si domain names
- no requirement for local presence
- no restriction on the number of domain names per holder
- registration period can be 1 up to 5 years
- numeric domains and IDNs are allowed
We advise you to read Policies and terms regarding domain registration.
If you already own a .si domain you can transfer it to Utrdba d.o.o. free of charge. We also offer domain registration for various other domain types such as .eu, .com, .net, .org, etc.
If you need website hosting, we offer a range of hosting packages that can be adjusted to your needs.
For more information and domain registration please contact us through info@utrdba.eu.