… to our web sites:
- Spletni-streznik.com (Linux web hosting with cPanel control panel)
- Spletni-dom.com (hosting on Windows® servers with Plesk control panel)
- Certi.si (web, mail and document certificates)
- Bocosoft.com (programming and web design)
… to websites that we sponsor:
- drustvo-dps.si (local sports club)
- mivka.si (beach volleyball portal)
- pgd-komenda.si (Komenda voluntary fire brigade)
… to websites with useful content:
- filezilla.sourceforge.net (the most popular free program to transfer files via FTP)
- libreoffice.org (free office suite)
- wikipedia.org (the free encyclopedia)
- fran.si (Dictionary of Slovenian language)
- translate.google.com (Multilingual translator of words, phrases and web pages)